Pontus has a master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Civilingenjör i Datateknik) from Linköping University and over 8 years of work experience in the business. He's fullstack developer whom you will often find coding even on his spare time. His tech stack is currently most focused on Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, NodeJS and ReactJS but he's always open for new challenges and learning new techniques. With an education and career focused on computer security he will make sure to build secure, stable and most of all well-tested systems.


Spring Boot
Reactor Core
Google Cloud

Tech List

Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Reactor Core, Kafka, RxJava, Kubernetes, Grafana, Kibana, MongoDB, Mongoose, ReactJS, JAMStack, GatsbyJS, Framer Motion, AWS Route 56, AWS Cognito, AWS Amplify, AWS Appsync, PWA, Micro Services, NextJS, Prismic CMS, GraphQL, Solr, Apollo, NodeJS, NestJS, npm, Express, Security, Passport, Oauth 2.0, OpenID Connect, JWT, Webflow, Material-Ui, Bootstrap 4, Machine Learning, Tensorflow, Docker, RabbitMQ, Hystrix, Zuul, Eureka, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), TDD, CI, CD, JSON, XML, Jenkins, Maven, Git, Subversion, MySQL, Oracle, Intellij, MacOS, Linux, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, HTTP, RESTful, SOAP, Maven, Tomcat, Netty, Play Framework, Heroku, Azure, Jira, Atlassian Suite, Github, BitBucket, Github


LinkedIn Profile
070 494 54 89

Pontus Thulin

Software Engineer & Fullstack Developer



Work Experience

backend developer


Tele2 / Comviq

The assignment was focused on designing and building a new system for handling incoming orders. A challenging task with sharp requirements for the system to be able to handle high loads at peaks and also being resilient to failures. The techstack was a mixture of Java, Kotlin, Reactor Core, Kafka and MongoDB.

frontend developer


Dagsverket Webbyrå

Dagsverket is a web agency founded in 2020 by Pontus and his colleague Jennifer. Dagsverket builds websites with a focus on performance, usability and SEO. Most sites are build with JAMStack using GatsbyJS.

Go to Dagsverket

backend developer



During the assignment Pontus worked within two different teams. The first team was focused on rewriting old Perl code that handled authentication and user management to a modern solution with micro-services and continuous delivery. The new services were written in both Java for stability but also some parts in Erlang for performance and concurrency. Since October 2017 Pontus joined a newly created team at Nordnet. The team had the purpose of building an infrastructure to enable implementation and deployment of machine learning algorithms within the organization. The team also designed and built a backend infrastructure to enable sending push notifications to mobile devices. The solution was highly event-driven for the purpose of performance and scalability. The last team built backend infrastructure supporting market data pages for the launch of Nordnet’s new website. The services had to update and support price data for stocks and funds in realtime to different clients

fullstack developer



Pontus worked as a fullstack developer for Hi3G’s next-generation sales system. The product was developed in close cooperation with the business side using Domain Driven Design. The system had high demands on SLA and was therefore well-tested using TDD and Concordion. The system used Hystrix for circuit breaking, caching and asynchronous calls.

backend developer



The team developed a two-factor authentication solution based on time-based one-time passwords (TOTP, RFC6238) generated by iOS and Android applications. The project had high demands on security with multiple layers of encryption, several risk analysis being performed and by running penetration tests against the system.

fullstack developer



Ericsson Managed Player is a multitenancy streaming platform. The assignment was first focused on a system that assembled multiple admin interfaces into one by acting as a reverse proxy. The system was responsible for authentication and authorization of all requests and required a high grade of security. The assignment then shifted to focus the systems handling metadata for videos using a micro-service architecture and with high demands on performance and throughput.

backend developer



During the Omegapoint trainee program a solution was build together with the former channel SVT Flow to collect anonymous data about user’s behavior in order to provide them with personalized recommendations. The trainee program also included education and reading within subjects such as: TDD, DDD, CI/CD, Agile Methodologies and Security.

Code Projects

aith website


Aith Labs

https://aith.se is a responsive JAMStack website built in GatsbyJS (with Framer Motion for animations) and deployed with AWS Amplify. The site was created with a mobile-first approach. One of the features is the CV creator that takes a descriptive json file and constructs a personal CV which scales well on different devices. Like this one. Each CV is statically created at build time due to the JAMStack approach to maximize performance and SEO. The site is under continuous development, next up is to store all CV data in AWS Appsync and secure it with AWS Cognito.

Source Code

dagsverket website



The dagsverket.io website is a responsive JAMStack site built in GatsbyJS (with Framer Motion for animations) and deployed with AWS Amplify. It is build with performance and SEO in mind and gets full scores in Lighthouse. Thanks to GatsbyJS the site is a Progressive Web App (PWA) and works offline. It uses Prismic as a CMS to fetch data at build time.

Go to Dagsverket



Aith Labs

Blaio is a hobby project developed within Aith Labs. The goal is to create an artificially intelligent blogger which will learn from professional swedish bloggers and become one of them. It uses a Recurrent Neural Network architecture built in Keras (with Tensorflow backend) which is trained and deployed at Google Cloud using Cloud Functions and AI Platform. It's available for testing at www.aith.se and the code will be open sourced in the future.


MSc Computer Science


Linköping University

Pontus has a master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Civilingenjör i Datateknik) from Linköpings Univesity. The specialization was within Secure and Stable systems with a master thesis about automated security testing.

Master's thesis


Linköping University

Evaluation of the applicability of security testing techniques in continuous integration environments.

Show Thesis

Machine Learning


Stanford, Coursera

The course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. It includes Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning and best practices in machine learning.

Show Certificate

NodeJS Express MongoDB


Hong Kong University, Coursera

An introduction course to the Node, Express and Mongo stack.

Show Certificate

Frontend React


Hong Kong University, Coursera

An introduction course to React development.

Show Certificate

Frontend Bootstrap


Hong Kong University, Coursera

An introduction course to bootstrap 4.

Show Certificate